You get the error main.WARNING: Session size of … exceeded allowed session max size of … when adding items to an order in the Magento 2 admin area? There is an easy solution to that problem, just run the following…
Changing the admin route for security reasons (Magento 1)
One step towards making your shop more secure is to change the default admin route from to something more secure and less guessable. The route must be changed in app/etc/local.xml.
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<admin> <routers> <adminhtml> <args> <frontName>your-new-backend-route</frontName> </args> </adminhtml> </routers> </admin> |
After adding that to your app/etc/local.xml file, clear…
Adding comments to fields in admin area (Magento 1)
It is possible and helpful to add comments to the Magento admin fields. Take a look at the following picture: To add a field and a comment, open your modules system.xml and add the below XML:
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<some_thing translate="label"> <label>Test</label> <frontend_type>text</frontend_type> <sort_order>0</sort_order> <show_in_default>1</show_in_default> <show_in_website>1</show_in_website> <show_in_store>1</show_in_store> <comment>Thats a comment!</comment> <some_thing> |
Making custom options available in quote in admin area (Magento 1)
Sometimes, when adding custom options to a quote in ther admin area, the custom options are not available. To avoid that problem, simply add the custom options to your modules config.xml, like this:
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<global> <sales> <quote> <item> <product_attributes> <custom_product_attribute1/> <custom_product_attribute2/> </product_attributes> </item> </quote> </sales> </global> |